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Let’s Make Every Week Nurses Week

对护士来说,好东西永远不会嫌多. 这就是为什么软件下载认为护士周应该每周庆祝一次!

Mark your calendars! May 6 (National Nurses Day) through May 12 (现代护理奠基人弗洛伦斯·南丁格尔的生日), is nationally recognized as Nurses Week. 在这一周,软件下载庆祝医疗保健行业,并公开表彰和表彰医疗保健界的无名英雄.

对护士来说,好东西永远不会嫌多. 这就是为什么软件下载认为护士周应该每周庆祝一次! 考虑到男护士和女护士为提供高质量的护理付出了多少, compassionate, innovative care for patients and communities alike, 软件下载国家对护士的庆祝和支持可以很容易地延长到一年52周. 

Hear us out…

Five Reasons Nurses Rock All Year Long

  1. Frontline warriors. Nurses are at the forefront of healthcare, 通常是患者及其家属的第一个和最频繁的接触点. 令人兴奋的轮班(从来没有沉闷的时刻)和在床边护理的时间,护士们戴着许多帽子 (and capes?) as advocates for patients, trusted members of the treatment team, 在医疗机构的第一线工作. 
  2. Masters of multi-tasking. 如果你需要做一些事情——或者很多事情——问护士. Whether it’s administering treatment, assisting doctors, 握住病人及其家属的手,或应对各种日常挑战, nurses are the heroes of healthcare. 护士经常以同情心、关怀和专业知识同时处理多项任务和优先事项. 
  3. Representation matters! Having a diverse workforce makes the entire healthcare system stronger, 从病人护理和改进的医疗从业者到行政领导和强大的家庭倡导者. 拥有一支了解不同背景的员工队伍, 患者问题和文化多样化的观点导致了对患者护理的更深入的理解和更清晰的正确途径, quality healthcare. 
  4. Innovation and advancement. 医疗保健和软件下载最好的治疗方法将继续发展和进步, 感谢那些每天看到最好和最坏的人的奉献. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 从2022年到2032年,注册护士(RNs)的就业预计将增长6%, faster than the average for all occupations. Remember, 护士在软件下载国家的健康中扮演着至关重要的角色, attracting, 培训和保持对熟练护士不断增长的需求是软件下载所有人都应该接受的优先事项,以实现医疗保健和软件下载的社区和家庭的未来.
  5. Because why not? Seriously, do we need a special reason to celebrate nurses? They're out there every day, pushing past the blood, sweat, tears and fears to keep us healthy and happy. 让软件下载把每周定为护士周,用所有的爱浇灌他们, respect, and appreciation they deserve!

Join us as we raise our glass (or Florence Nightingale lamps!) 在2024年护士周期间及以后,给各个领域的每一位护士. We appreciate you!

如果你有兴趣朝着护士的未来迈出下一步,现在就是时候了. With Herzing University, you have plenty of degree and program options 这符合你的职业目标和个人选择. 无论你是新的护理或想进一步你目前的医疗保健事业与高级学位, 赫晶提供经过认证的课程选择和支持团队,帮助您在教育的每个阶段取得成功.

Learn More About Our Nursing Programs


* Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), U.S. Department of Labor, 职业就业和工资统计2023 /职业展望手册2022. 劳工统计局的估计不代表入门级工资和/或薪水. Multiple factors, including prior experience, age, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, will affect career outcomes and earnings. Herzing既不代表它的毕业生将获得劳工统计局计算的特定工作的平均工资,也不保证从它的幸运28计划毕业后就能找到工作, promotion, salary increase or other career growth.

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